Build Linux Kernel for Android Device

hahnavi |
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Download the Kernel Source Code

For example, kernel for Xiaomi Mi8937

git clone --depth=1

Install Cross Compiler

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc


sudo apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu

Compile the Kernel

Export the environment variable

export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
export ARCH=arm64

Create the output folder

mkdir out

Locate the kernel defconfig for the device in arch/arm64/configs, run

make O=out <defconfig>

Example for my device

make O=out vendor/msm8937-perf_defconfig

Or we can copy the defconfig file from outside kernel source code and put in the out directory

cp <defconfig-file-path> out/.config
make O=out oldconfig

To modify the kernel configuration

make O=out menuconfig

Start compile process

make O=out -j`nproc`

The output file will be stored in the boot directory out/arch/arm64/boot/

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